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10 Tips for Essay Writing That Really Work

Writing an effective essay can be challenging, especially if you are assigned a topic you don’t really like. However, following some simple tips will allow you to create a paper you can be proud of.

  1. Start with a brainstorming session.
  2. First, you need to decide what exactly you are going to write about, so you’ll need a brainstorming session to come up with interesting ideas. BE original and try to develop a unique approach to the topic. Write down your ideas to make sure you don’t forget anything.

  3. Create an outline.
  4. After you decide what to write about, you will need to develop a plan of presenting this information in your paper. An outline will make both research and writing easier for you as you will know exactly what to focus on.

  5. Develop a catching thesis statement.
  6. A thesis statement expresses the main point of your essay in a single sentence (it may be a bit longer, but no more than three), so you need to give it some thought. This statement must consist of two parts. The first is the topic and the second is the idea of your particular paper. For example, if you are assigned a paper on the influence of Leonardo Da Vinci on the development of art, your thesis statement may go along the lines “The works and ideas of Leonardo Da Vinci had a great impact on the development of art, in general, and some of its influence is still visible today.”

  7. Color-code your notes.
  8. With a plan in hand and your main idea formulated, you can focus on researching and gathering material for the paper. You will need to take copious notes, but navigating them when you start writing can be extremely hard. This problem can be effectively dealt with if you color code them from the start. This approach will increase your efficiency greatly and reduce the amount of time you spend on writing.

  9. Let your first draft flow.
  10. When you start writing the first draft, don’t try to stick to the outline or follow any rules. Just let the words flow on the paper and switch between ideas if you feel like it. Quite often, you can come up with interesting thoughts in the process of writing, so you will be able to go beyond your outline and improve your essay.

  11. Use a cool attention grabber.
  12. You can ensure your paper makes a good impression from the very beginning by using an interesting attention grabber to start the introduction. It may be a quote, shocking piece of statistics, or a controversial statement.

  13. Keep it simple when writing a conclusion.
  14. A strong conclusion is necessary to ensure that your paper makes a lasting impression. If you manage to create a truly exceptional concluding paragraph, the readers may even overlook some of the weaker points of the essay. A good conclusion consists of 3-5 strong sentences that sum up your perspective on the topic. Avoid introducing any new ideas in this part.

  15. Look for one mistake at a time.
  16. Editing and proofreading a paper is very difficult, especially if you are trying to fix all mistakes in one go. You’ll need to reread the text a few times, focusing on one issue at a time.

  • Leave the introduction and conclusion for last.

    Despite the fact that an introduction is the first part of the paper, you should write it after you finish working with the body. The initial paragraph of the work must include a short overview of the text, and creating it will be easier if the text is completed.

  • Look for one mistake at a time.

    Editing and proofreading a paper is very difficult, especially if you are trying to fix all mistakes in one go. You’ll need to reread the text a few times, focusing on one issue at a time.

  • Get an outsider’s perspective.

    Ask your friends or family to read the paper and listen to their suggestions as writer often overlooks some mistakes..

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